I sit here with no real purpose to this posting ... scrambled words running through my head. That's what my time has been like ... scrambled words running through my head. I haven't sat down and watched a movie for a while, I should try it again. Reading has been an escape for me ... the words on the page distract from the words in my head.
Some of my friends they say they are worried about me... I have lost too much weight (ha) ... I seem so down ... they haven't heard me say some of the not so flattering things about myself before now. I've said them, I've always said them ... maybe they just weren't heard before because they were said behind a smile? Am I sad, yes. I have reasons to be sad. I am allowed to be sad. I am a strong woman, I am sad but I am okay. So do I need to see a professional, do I need to go to counseling, ha again! No. I have my blog. Welcome to my couch. Maybe this will be read by one or a hundred people, maybe none. But the scrambled words are running from my head through my body and out my newly shortened and painted fingernails. And although sadness is in me I feel a bit of contentment as well. I know that the valleys seem so deep because the mountains are so big. My mountain climbing days are far from over.
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